水明漾活蝦景觀餐廳周邊美食餐廳 (47家)

水明漾活蝦景觀餐廳周邊『美食餐廳』 | 精選TOP 15間熱門店家

屏東縣里港鄉水明漾活蝦景觀餐廳所有餐廳 (47)v:21
Rona Chang
「❤️ 里港阿嬤餛飩豬腳 ❤️ 營業時間:平日 AM 10:00 ~ PM 19:00、六日 AM 10:00 ~ PM 20:00 (週一公休) 訂購專線:(08)775-5466 地址:屏東縣里港鄉里嶺路1號 推薦:餛飩湯好喝、豬腳也不錯❤️❤️ 不推薦:水煮豬腳、冷掉 筋就根本不好咬 」
Chen Angel
屏東九如美食推薦 讓人一吃就愛上的超美味黃金蝦 屏東必吃美味泰國蝦料理 黃金蝦無毒泰國蝦餐廳
2 年前
「 你好!你好!我和我在國外留學的朋友決定在參觀附近的佛寺博物館之前,先來這家備受好評且食物地道的餐廳一試。 Hello! Hello! My friend who is studying abroad and I decided to take a quick stop and try this amazing restaurant before visiting the Buddha Temple Museum nearby because of its high ratings and authentic food. 如果我們無法吃完所有食物,我們不知道能否打包,也不確定這樣做是否會被認為不禮貌。 If we were not able to finish all of the food, we did not know if we could ask for takeout and weren't sure if it was considered rude. 我們非常喜歡我們點的食物,我的朋友點了兩碗麵湯,我點了一碗麵湯和豬肉。(哦,不對,他其實點了三碗麵湯)因為我們從早上起床後就沒吃早餐,所以真的很餓。 We loved the food we ordered. My friend ordered two bowls of noodle soup for himself, and I ordered one noodle soup and pork. (Wait, never mind, he ordered three bowls of noodles) because we were both really hungry since we didn’t eat breakfast in the morning. 不幸的是,我們時間有限,還要趕台北市高鐵。 Unfortunately, we were on a time crunch and had to catch the Taipei City High Speed Rail train. 很遺憾我們沒能吃完所有的食物,但我們真的很想把碗底都吃得見光!我們非常喜歡這裡的食物。 Unfortunately, we couldn’t finish the food, but we wanted to finish everything to the point where you could see the shine from the bowls! We loved it. 進餐廳時,你會受到熱情的歡迎,這對一家餐廳來說是個好兆頭。 When you walk in, you get a warm welcome, which is a green flag for a restaurant. 很明顯,他們非常關心顧客。當叫號時,他們會提供冷飲——茶,裡面空間也很寬敞。 You can obviously tell they really care for their customers because when they call your number, they provide cold refreshments—tea, and there is enough space inside. 這裡的食物是手工製作的。雖然需要等待一段時間,但絕對值得。 The food is handmade. Although it takes some time to wait, it is absolutely worth it. 我的厚米線是我吃過的最棒的東西。 The thick rice noodles I had were the most amazing thing I’ve ever had. 我來自墨西哥,從沒吃過亞洲食物,更別說台灣的麵了,所以這裡給我留下了深刻的印象,尤其是食物。 I am from Mexico, and I’ve never had Asian food, let alone Taiwanese noodles, so this place left a great impression on me, especially the food. 因為我們很趕時間,沒能來得及讀店主留給我們的便條。但在打車時讀了,非常真誠。 Because we were in a rush, we didn’t have time to read the note that the owner left us, but we read it in the taxi, and it was very genuine. 我希望每個外國人都來試試這家餐廳,因為這是你能吃到的最棒的食物。 I wish everyone would try this place, especially foreigners, because it’s the best food you’ll ever get. 食物地道手工製作,員工也非常友好,價格超值。 The food is authentically handmade, the staff is really nice, and the price is amazing for what they serve. 作為外國人,我們通常吃的小份量,但這裡的份量很大,讓我們很驚喜! As foreigners, we are used to small portions, but the portions here are huge, which surprised us! 給店主和員工的話:你們所做的一切,都反映了你們對工作的熱情,不僅僅是在餐廳裡。 A note to the owner and staff: What you do reflects your passion for your work, not just in the restaurant. 作為顧客,我們能感受到你們的真誠。如果有時間,我們一定會吃完所有食物,並有機會和你們交流。你們真的很棒,請繼續保持! As customers, we can feel your sincerity. If we had time, we would have finished all the food and had the opportunity to talk to you. You guys are amazing, and keep doing your best work! 我們為沒能吃完感到抱歉,真的很不好意思!因為我們得趕去台北市的東吳大學。 We apologize again for not finishing the food; we were definitely embarrassed! We had to go to Soochow University in Taipei City. 不過,作為學習文化的大學生,我們會在未來有空時再來。這家餐廳已經被我們標記在地圖上了,所以請不要關門! But as college students who are learning the culture, we will come back in our own time in the future. This restaurant is saved in our maps, so please don’t close! 你們的食物完全符合你們便條上的描述,我們也很感激你們幫我們翻譯菜單,推薦最好吃的菜。非常感謝! Your food met the expectations described in the note, and we really appreciated your help in translating the menu and recommending the best dishes. Thank you so much!」
Lupita Melendez
4 年前
7 個月前
2 年前
3 年前
里港文富餛飩豬腳‧滷的、烤的、炸的豬腳吃膩了嗎?!來點不同的水煮豬腳唄 – 敦 小 蓮の食旅錄
3 個月前
敦小蓮 食旅錄
2 年前
3 年前
「湯頭麵條自己搭配的鍋燒非常特別👍口味也非常好吃 小菜專業多變,多風格的鍋燒麵店值得回訪 」
「廟口當地人喜愛的好味道 臭豆腐外酥內軟 (人多時炸來不及,會稍不酥脆) 小份$40、大份$55 加上泡菜、醃小黃瓜、蒜末 可選擇是否加辣」
Melon Chen
2 年前
「ㄧ間不尊重客戶的餐廳,態度有夠差 奉勸要在這辦喜宴的人請三思了 奉勸要在這辦喜宴的人請三思了 奉勸要在這辦喜宴的人請三思了 去年疫情爆發前就已經跟他們預訂9月中非婚宴會館那間的餐廳,中間因疫情而延到今年,且10~12月都親自去餐廳確認條件不變 第一:餐廳說我們訂的地點(非宴會廳)無桌數限制,最多就是15桌 第二:有VIP室讓我當新娘房 第三:若接了你們的婚宴就不會再接其他客人,整個場地讓我們使用 直到婚期前7天⋯ 開始靠勢了,不和我們商量直接先斬後奏不尊重原本預訂場地的人(我們不斷和你確認當初預訂的條件,也並無任何改變,反而是我們最後7天再次跟你確認其他細節才被告知有其他客人,並不是主動告知,到底有沒有在尊重客人啊?本來就沒有跟你預訂桌數,且也沒說有最低桌數限制,若後來有也該和預訂的人先說ㄧ聲吧!若需要大不了加桌數,我們辦婚宴,旁邊包廂有其他你不認識的客人,你能接受嗎? 重點是態度:餐廳非常理直氣壯的否決了當初答應的第一、二、三 餐廳人員非常理直氣壯的問我,其他包廂賓客接了就接了,不然要怎麼辦? 請問大家這是所謂在地有品和道德的餐廳嗎????? 試問大家,若以上三點沒有,你還會預訂這間餐廳嗎?離原本婚期還有半年多之久,大可找別家就好,以爲全屏東就你在作生意嗎? 大XX風味堂是遇過最不尊重客戶的餐廳 態度很有問題,出包了還問我怎麼辦?還要我們去問你現在的處理狀況,都沒有主動回報告知,這就是你們所謂的服務態度? 沒有職業道德請大家要小心」
Yi Claire
「各類魚料理好吃 青菜類也不錯 價格蠻便宜」

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